Engine Building: Your engine can be modified to achieve optimum power and performance. GDRE’s engine building is supported with a Serdi 1.1 precision value seating machine.
Engine Blueprinting: Your stock engine can be disassembled and blueprinted to achieve peak performance.
Dyno Testing: GDRE has a SuperFlow SF 250 dyno and accurately tune your engine for maximum performance.
Head Flow: GDRE has a SuperFlow 110 Flow Bench and hundreds of hours of experience using it.
Injector Service: GDRE has recently added an ASNU fuel injector flow bench and ultra sonic cleaning system. This gives GDRE the ability to service electronic fuel injectors of all types. This includes performance flow testing at different RPM from 200 to 20,000, Leak testing, Resistance testing, Filter Basket and O Ring replacement, Ultra sonic cleaning and injector matching.
Fuel Injection Mapping: Your stock ECU or your programmable ECU can be set to optimum setting using the GDRE dyno.
Custom Wiring Harness: Your stock bike wiring harness can be modified to work in the four wheel application, removing unwanted sensors and safety switches (like the kickstand sensor)
Trackside Support: George Dean can attend your race weekend to offer expert assistance. George attends many races during the season to provide customers with service if they should need it.